Too much distance work can convert fast twitch muscle fibres into slow twitch fibres and can actually decrease an athlete's speed over time.
As noted, we lose muscle mass with age. Especially quick to deteriorate are fast-twitch muscle fibers, which power quick, explosive movements.
We have two basic types of muscle fibers, slow twitch and fast twitch.
"It's a mental break from the annoyingness of show business, " he said, adding that the fast-twitch muscle reactions crucial for table tennis can help on the standup stage.
After about two weeks of taper, fast-twitch muscle fiber shows greatly increased muscle power, contraction speed and force.
Some research has shown that the greatest benefits from taper occur in fast-twitch muscle fiber, the type of muscle primarily used by sprinters.
While most muscles in mammals contain a mixture of slow- and fast-twitch fiber types, some muscle beds are enriched for one type or the other, Spiegelman said.
While most muscles in mammals contain a mixture of slow- and fast-twitch fiber types, some muscle beds are enriched for one type or the other, Spiegelman said.