The deposit occurs in the fault fracture zone and is in control of structure.
The main factors influencing the gas preservation condition includes the fault amplitude, fault fragmented intervals, fault surface dip, and the position of fracture cavity system in the faulted zone.
The main fracture of the western margin fault zone of the South China Sea is originated from the Mesozoic basement fault, continuously developed into dextral strike-slip fault zone in Cenozoic.
The Changpo reverse anticline controls the location of Changpo-Tongkeng deposit, while the bed-parallel shear fracture zone and thrust fault control the ore bodies.
The fault structural fracture zone is the main ore-control, ore-bearing structure.
Oil and gas enrichment law in fault-fracture zone was put forward creatively and it provided a basis for the efficient development of GBEIBE.
Oil and gas enrichment law in fault-fracture zone was put forward creatively and it provided a basis for the efficient development of GBEIBE.