The Seventh Amendment, however, which guarantees jury trial in civil cases, is still regarded as applicable only to federal court cases.
The Grand Gulf arrangement was eventually upheld by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, which had jurisdiction over cases involving federal regulatory agencies.
大海湾的建设费用协议最终得到了哥伦比亚特区上诉法庭的支持裁决。 哥伦比亚特区上诉法庭对于涉及联邦管制机构的案子拥有裁判权。
Lance Lewis, a Quilling partner listed on all the cases JPMorgan has moved to have transferred to federal court, did not return messages seeking comment.
Such cases are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal court system.
There are various routes a case may take to a federal court. Some cases may originate in a U. S. district court, while others will come from a state court or federal agency.
There are various routes a case may take to a federal court. Some cases may originate in a U. S. district court, while others will come from a state court or federal agency.