Consumers are charged a monthly fee above their basic cable costs.
Most of the apps we found charge a monthly or yearly fee. We do not.
Your content will only exist at these URLs for as long as you keep paying the same people that monthly fee and for as long as your provider stays in business.
The company did not say if this would require an extra monthly fee or if it would be included in the basic data plans.
But, like all subscription models, it blocks access to music if you don't pay this monthly fee.
Some are on-going in nature and can be based on an hourly or flat monthly fee.
The application fee for employment visas is $720, more than the average monthly incomes of many professions in Mexico.
Some areas have latrines that can be used for a fee: 1 rupee (2 cents) for a single use or 30 rupees (62 cents) for a monthly family pass.
That supplier is paid a monthly fee, and then has an incentive to cut printing costs by exploiting economies of scale in procurement, replacing printers with more efficient models and so forth.
The current set of five are rack mounted in a co-location data centre, where I pay a monthly fee for space, electricity and bandwidth.
Is a phone's address book backed up free of charge, or do users pay a monthly fee?
It's a social approach to learning a language, and one that's cheaper than pricey software like Rosetta Stone - basic courses are free, and utilizing the community costs only a small monthly fee.
用LiveMocha来学习是你学一门语言的社交方式,而且它比Rosetta Stone软件要便宜得多——在LiveMocha上,基本课程都是免费的,而使用社区的话,每月也只需要你支付一点点费用。
From a personal standpoint I would be willing to pay a small monthly fee for unlimited download access and the ability to continue using BitTorrent websites - as I prefer that method of downloading.
The robot, which is not a regular feature of the program and which participants tried for about a week each, costs $6,000 plus a monthly $100 service fee.
The robot, which is not a regular feature of the program and which participants tried for about a week each, costs $6, 000 plus a monthly $100 service fee.
The service is expected to be offered over Apple's iTunes digital entertainment store, which sells movies and TV shows, but does not offer them for a recurring monthly fee.
The latter include subscription services that, for a flat monthly fee of $5 to $10, give consumers unlimited access to an online library of songs that they can play but cannot keep.
The other solution, however, few will like: charge based on usage rates, instead of just a flat monthly fee.
For billing, customers can either pay a monthly fee or reuse of existing enterprise licenses.
Many operators have now done away with call charges altogether and instead offer unlimited local, national and even some international calls for a flat monthly fee.
And meanwhile, we had to pay to get our bank account set up, we had to enter into a one-year agreement, and then we found out there was a monthly fee.
Over a traditional Odessan meal of steamed crawfish, a lieutenant colonel in the internal affairs department tells TIME that police offer protection to the Mamachki for a monthly fee.
Many of the pre-loaded programs turned out to be trial versions and required users to pay a monthly fee to keep them going.
Meanwhile, distance and voice-based pricing are going away too, so that before long many subscribers will probably pay a fixed monthly access fee for unlimited phone calls and data transfers.
Downsides? Only certain carrier networks are compatible, and you'll have to shell out a monthly fee and possibly sign a service contract.
On being accepted, candidates pay a small start-up fee, and register their name with the co-op's secretary (a position rotated on a monthly or quarterly basis).
The report attributes the willingness to pay a monthly subscription fee to higher electric bills.
Or you may be able to opt for a low-interest monthly fee that may or may not impose certain minimums.
Some versions of the iPad can, for a monthly fee, use a 3G data connection like cellphones, but the only carrier mentioned was AT&T.
It was an online community like CompuServe and eventually started offering people dial-up access to the Internet for a monthly fee.