Hearing the songs probably made them feel more patriotic, made them feel like it was a good and noble thing to serve their countries in whatever way they could.
Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don't feel good enough.
In order to relate turning these physical knobs to this quantity, which we don't have a very good feel for, we've got to have a feel for the slopes.
Note how you feel after visiting with a certain person; if you feel energized and happy, then you’re in good company.
I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.
If there is a person in the world, and you usually feel good around that person, chances are that person is making you feel good.
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad.
You physically feel great afterwards, but you also feel good mentally, because you know you are giving your baby stuff they really, really need.
And you know the difference between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel bad.
You feel good. A good relationship makes you feel good about yourself.
The key phrase here is that you "feel good", your not thinking about it, you simply feel it.
And, a refreshing feel in this space can make him feel good to move for the day ahead.
When teachers feel good about teaching, this is how we feel.
The one that makes you feel bad about yourself or the one that makes you feel good?
Well, it makes me feel stronger, but the important thing is that it makes me feel good.
Today I briefly want to talk about a quality that many of us experience when we genuinely feel good, when we feel alive, alert, and vital.
Buyers feel good since their purchase has a charitable impact and the workers at TOMS feel good since they are doing more than just generating shareholder value.
When you feel depressed, the future no longer looks bright and worries cloud your mind. You don't feel good about your ability to cope, even God seems far away.
Managers have to make work a place where employees feel good about themselves and where the work people do helps them to feel good inside as well.
A firm believer that good design is something that can really make a difference in your life, Fiona designs things that make her feel good and hopes that it will make others feel good, too.
Happiness studies have repeatedly shown that being marginally 15 better off than your neighbours makes you feel good, but being a hundred times richer makes you feel worse.
I would feel relief from arguments I'd had with my dad, things I'd done as a teen-ager that I didn't feel good about.
note: there is a difference between “this cheesecake makes me feel good right now” and “this food choice gives me great energy and makes me feel good overall”. I know from experience!
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion." -abraham Lincoln.
Do you feel down more often than you feel good?
You feel more confident I mentioned about this already, but once you get past your limits, you will feel more confident and very good about yourself.
Giving back makes us feel happier and healthier, in part because it triggers the release of feel-good brain chemicals.
Giving back makes us feel happier and healthier, in part because it triggers the release of feel-good brain chemicals.