There is always field curvature in image of large field optical systems.
The field curvature is emended by locale lense, the quality of the image is nice.
It is verified by an experiment that fiber image transmission components can correct field curvature of optic lens systems. (4) To analysis drive timing requirements of linear array CCD.
There’s gravity in higher dimensions, gravity with extra curvature terms, and gravity coupled to a ‘chameleon field’ that makes the strength of gravity different near matter than in a vacuum.
我们经常提到的是一个更广意义上的万有引力,一个与附加曲率项(extra curvature terms)有关的和与“chameleonfield”(它能使物体间的万有引力在真空中和一般条件下的力度大小不同)相结合的万有引力。
On the basis of studying the current linear and nonlinear filters for identifying potential field structure, an adaptive curvature sorting filter is designed.
A restoration scheme is proposed for space-variant image degradation resulting from curvature of field in imaging systems.
According to the calculated result and experimental data, this flow rate distribution is mainly caused by the influence of the curvature of streamline on the flow field.
The characteristic of the emission caused in the special spiral magnetic field of hydromagnetic accretion disk is discussed mainly using the formula of curvature radiation.
Synthetical evaluation according to prediction result of stress field and curvature will lead to high permeability region prediction of coal reservoir.
When the curvature is 0, we found that the difference between the phase field method and the finite difference method is very small.
The influence of temperature, curvature radius of lens and the thickness of oil on ultrasonic field is analyzed.
Besides that, we presents the gravitational wave energy density under the weak field situation and gives the x - y plane numerical calculation to curvature scalar R and energy density .
Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature.
因此这种作用和反作用是共存的。 那么它将直接导致这样的观点,那就是弯曲的空间是不可能存在的。
Theflow field in the S2 surface with thick blades is calculated by stream line curvature method.
In this fundamental work, curvature and the gravity field of the earth must be considered.
In this fundamental work, curvature and the gravity field of the earth must be considered.