This creates a new project with a skeleton widget definition and catalog file.
You can use a catalog file to redirect all requests for remote copies of the DTD to the local cache.
Briefly put, a file system is a clearly-defined method that the computer's operating system USES to store, catalog, and retrieve files.
In addition, each database has its own database configuration file, catalog tables, logs, reserved buffer pool area, and table Spaces.
Listing 7 shows a sample catalog file.
Next, you need to create an SGML catalog file that PSGML can use to find these DTDs.
Package the EAR file, a catalog file, and an endpoints file into a ZIP file, as shown in Figure 3.
The catalog file also specifies a help topic for each widget.
To register the catalog file, do the following
If you have more that one catalog file, you can include them all, separating them with a path delimiter ("; "on Windows," : "on UNIX-based systems).
This file, startcat.bat in the c:\og61\dwsample directory, is shown in Listing 5, and starts a single instance of the Catalog Server, called cat1.
og61\dwsample目录中的startcat.bat文件显示在清单5 中,启动CatalogServer(即 cat1)的单一实例。
In that file you can see the appropriate syntax for data source, Catalog, and Cube for the data source you are concerned with and enter it in the task wizard.
To import the zip file into the Fabric business services catalog, do the following.
A catalog file specifies widget categories and widgets.
Its role is to analyze the properties and content of documents on the file system or within a Web server and then to build an indexed catalog to ease the search on this data.
Events delivered in the form of Common Base event (CBE) version 1.0.1 and described using the event catalog file format can be used as part of monitor models and consumed by the monitor server.
以CommonBaseEvent (CBE)v 1.0.1形式提交并使用事件目录文件格式描述的事件可以用做Monitor模型的一部分,并由Monitor服务器使用。
To apply a PAK file that you have uploaded into the WebSphere CloudBurst catalog as an emergency fix, select Apply emergency fixes, then select the fix or fixes that you want to apply.
Finally, the content of the local product catalog is taken from a file called XML \ CATALOG.xml.
最后,本地的产品目录的内容取自于xml \CATALOG . xml文件。
For those widgets that are in a toolbox catalog, the XML can be obtained from the extension.xml file attached to the widget document.
对于工具箱目录中的widget,可从widget文档所附的extension .xml文件中获取xml。
Note that the name of the catalog file must start with a prefix catalog_ as shown in Listing 7.
请注意,目录文件的名称必须以前缀catalog _开头,如清单7所示。
The contents and properties of an interactive form are defined by an interactive form dictionary that is referenced from the AcroForm entry in the document catalog in the PDF file.
Doing so is important, because it affects the way the catalog file is generated and the default directories used for the components.
The tool USES the catalog file to determine the location and type of all artifacts.
If your test was not successful, check for an error in your catalog file or environment variable.
The catalog of modules can be populated via code, a XAML file, a configuration file, or by walking a directory.
It also includes several NIEM-specific artifacts that are required in a NIEM-conformant exchange, such as a metadata document and a catalog file.
If you name a module but do not name a specific file or directory within the module, the daemon provides a catalog of the module's contents, as shown in Listing 6.
If you change a property file in a message catalog, you'll see the change immediately, just as with component classes and component templates.
In the example, a fictitious catalog document contains references to publications whose contents might reside in a PDF or HTML file (neither of which is valid XML).
This command USES the values found in the database manager configuration file and the authorization system catalog view (SYSCAT.DBAUTH). Listing 5 shows the results of issuing the command.