Tanks are equipped with various circuits to control product fill, pressure build-up, pressure-relief, product withdrawal, and tank vacuum.
You're under major pressure to fill someone else's shoes, your boss is picking you up, and everyone in the office is driving you crazy.
The process of accumulation and dissipation of extra-static pore water pressure in fine-grained mud layer of tailings fill dam constructed by up-stream method is analysed.
People who fill up on vegetables, whole grains and fruit tend to have healthier blood pressure levels than their more carnivorous peers, according to an international study published.
根据一份已出版的国际研究报告指出,常吃蔬菜、全谷类 食物和水果的人,比起肉食性的同辈,拥有较健康的血压水平。
Fill with water, attach a plastic tube and pressure gauge and you're in business for motors with peak thrusts up to 140 LBS.
Fill with water, attach a plastic tube and pressure gauge and you're in business for motors with peak thrusts up to 140 LBS.