The effects of added limestone contents in Portland limestone cement and fineness of cement grinding on strength of the cement mortar were investigated.
The effects of fineness, particle appearance and adding amounts on the strengths of cement and concrete as well as the concrete rheological behavior are studied in this paper.
The influence of the fineness and the amount of the rubber powder on the flexural and compressive strength of cement mortar are researched.
The physical properties of cement composed of clinker, slag and fly ash will be different, since the proportion or fineness of composition of composite cement is changed.
It is concluded that the aim of increasing Portland cement fineness can be reached economically through changing the composition of cement clinker and transforming manufacture technics.
The properties of the composite cement were studied by orthogonal test, which was prepared by the clinker, slag and fly ash with different fineness and mixed after separately grinding.
Test result shows that the mixing of this three materials accompany with increasing grind fineness, the strength of compound cement with large amount of fly ash can be improved significantly.
The effect of several fly ash with different amount and fineness on the setting time of cement is studied.
525and 425 ordinary Portland cement, 525 composite Portland cement, 425 steel slag Portland cement can be produced with the addition of pulverized steel slag with enough fineness.
The cement fineness has no influence on the diffusion coefficient of chlorideion in concrete.
The effect of amount and fineness of fly ash on properties of fly ash-cement particle board was studied.
The effect of amount and fineness of fly ash on properties of fly ash-cement particle board was studied.