To protect finless porpoises (江豚) and the Yangtze River, the government has stopped people from fishing on the river.
It 's not, a few days ago, I saw on TV a public service ads on finless porpoise!
The finless porpoise prefer to live in shallow, warm waters like those of theYangtze River.
A few finless porpoises — smaller, stouter mammals with blunt noses — were moved into a reserve, along with one baiji.
The reserve is home to 180 different fish species, including the already endangered Chinese sturgeon and the finless porpoise.
They didn't see any alive, "she said." One of the divers provided a video that shows the finless bodies of dead sharks on the ocean floor.
Thought tof finless porpoise smile, think of the finless porpoise in the public service ads appeal, my heart was pulled together, out of breath!
Fading pulse.IHB keeps a few finless porpoises in captivity, but a 10-year ban on Yangtze fishing may be their only hope of survival in the wild, argues Wang Ding.
Results of the present study could be considered as references of reproduction researches and improvement of ecological observation methods of the Yangtze finless porpoise.
The Baiji Conservation Aquarium has already scored small successes with a similar breeding scheme aimed at averting the extinction of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise.
Increasing pollution of the Yangtze River and the threat this poses to the finless porpoise is also a warning for a third of the nation's population that depends on these waters.
Scientists estimate that the finless porpoise, a freshwater dolphin which has lived in the Yangtze River and adjacent lakes for over 20 millions years, will become extinct within 15 years.
Here in Australia I write educational books on the environment for children, and I have just written a chapter on the baiji and the finless porpoise. I have included this article for their research.
Here in Australia I write educational books on the environment for children, and I have just written a chapter on the baiji and the finless porpoise. I have included this article for their research.