They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.
But this would mean that California will enter its next fiscal year, once again, without any budget at all.
Even S.& P. noted that given the difficult compromises ahead, the earliest plausible date to begin deficit reduction is late 2013, when the budget for fiscal year 2014 is due.
The Congressional Budget Office forecast that America’s budget deficit for the 2009 fiscal year would reach almost $1.2 trillion (close to $4,000 for every man, woman and child).
There is also a battle brewing over the budget for the fiscal year that began last month.
Next month, NASA will review the Mars missions in preparing its budget and plans for the fiscal year that begins in October.
The gaps for fiscal year 2010 alone amount to $166 billion, according to the Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), a research group based in Washington, DC.
The Ivy League school took the action to meet budget constraints caused by an estimated 30 percent fall in its endowment for its 2009 fiscal year, ending June 30.
The agency would seek an annual budget of 278.6 billion yen ($2.38 billion) for the next fiscal year, up 7.4 percent from the current year, he said.
Some analysts predict that even if Kan were reelected, he would last only until next spring, when he needs to pass the budget for the next fiscal year.
That discussion should be had over the 2012 budget, not what’s left of the 2011 fiscal year.
Even more wrenching fiscal austerity is needed to bring the budget deficit down from the 10.6% of GDP forecast by the IMF this year towards more manageable levels.
Political opponents have claimed that Obama's proposed $3.5tn budget for the 2010 fiscal year will push government borrowing too high – from $1.3tn today to $1.75tn next year.
Mr Obama’s budget proposal projects that the deficit will fall from a post-war record 11% of GDP in the current fiscal year to 3.1% by 2021.
The combined budget deficit, including the states, may reach 9.4% of GDP this fiscal year, according to Morgan Stanley.
The U.S. budget deficit for the fiscal year that ends in September is 10.5% of GDP.
But she expects worse later in this fiscal year because California’s current budget, which has already cut court funding by $350m, contains a trigger for even more reductions.
The Pentagon last month rolled out a record base budget for fiscal year 2012 of $553 billion, up $22 billion from the level enacted for 2010.
Reid and Boehner were meeting at the White House again Thursday afternoon to try to work through differences on a budget for the fiscal year that began last October.
The $550 million Goldman is paying also represents nearly half the White House's budget request of $1.2 billion for the SEC for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1.
Twenty-seven states have announced budget shortfalls for fiscal year 2009, which began in July, totaling $26 billion, according to Moody's, an economic consulting firm.
经济咨询机构Moody's Economy.com称,已有27个州宣布7月份开始的2009财年将出现预算缺口,总额为260亿美元。
The US budget deficit for the fiscal 2010 year narrowed to $1.294 trillion from last year's record $1.416 trillion, the US Treasury Department said Friday.
美国财政部15日发布报告称,2010财年美国联邦财政赤字收窄至1.294万亿美元。 美上一财年的赤字额为1.416万亿美元,创该国财政赤字最高纪录。
The new fiscal year starts on July 1st, and California had no budget as The Economist went to press.
新一轮的财政年度从7月1日开始计算。 截至到本期《经济学家》出版前,加州仍无任何预案出台。
For the foreign loans borrowed by the State untidily and returned by the locality, the repayment of the principal and interest shall be incorporated into local fiscal year budget plan.
It will pay its workers a day late at the end of the fiscal year so that the expense will show up in next year's budget.
A big budget deficit (7.9% last year) may have helped in the downturn, but it now reflects fiscal incontinence.
The White House, in its proposed budget for fiscal year 2016, reduced its contribution to the fund by 18 percent and to Usaid's tuberculosis programs by 19 percent.
The White House, in its proposed budget for fiscal year 2016, reduced its contribution to the fund by 18 percent and to Usaid's tuberculosis programs by 19 percent.