In Einstein's day, there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to spare.
If you have other daily routines, such as exercising or talking on the phone with family, work those into your day-to-day life before classes start so that you get a better idea of how they fit in with your schedule.
This indoor garden and compost system is designed to fit into your existing furniture, with a series of grow beds with grow lights and a table-mounted compost bin.
What's more, merging your workout with your social life will help you fit two important tasks into your overbooked calendar at once.
DW: how do our products integrate with XML, and how does it fit into the strategy?
They will extend software products, possibly come up with new products that must work with other ones, adhere to standards, and fit into an organization's product line.
The researchers are therefore experimenting with antennae that fit into trailers a few metres wide and which can be towed by patrol cars.
There is, of course, the protection of the Disability Discrimination Act should I go into employment, but I would have to be fit enough to do my job with reasonable adjustments.
The shock and awe which I felt while reading entire sections of Blood Meridian fit entirely into the milieu of my home life with the arrival of our squalling, sleepless baby boy.
Flexible working can also improve retention, through options such as part-time work, compressing work into fewer days and seasonal schedules which can fit in with school holidays.
Because they work with most platforms, they can quickly fit into most environments.
It's hard to know where turtles fit into the ecosystem of a place like New York City, rife with pollution and a melange of invasive species.
We are confident that parents understand and appreciate that Happy Meals are a fun treat, with quality, right-sized food choices for their children that can fit into a balanced diet.
The little traveller was full of the story of his travels, and, with the strain of each repetition, the narrative got looser and looser till it utterly refused to fit into the facts.
The picture, posted on an aviation blog, was reportedly taken by a flight attendant to illustrate to airline managers the difficulty of dealing with passengers who cannot fit into seats.
If the XML document is small enough to fit into the page size, it can be stored with the other SQL elements.
But as you will see, many of them interact with each other, and so it is certainly worth your time to evaluate whether the default values fit your needs before putting a solution into production.
Medical advances mean that soldiers often come back with collections of wounds that would previously have been fatal, and do not fit easily into its categories.
We ended up with only two versions of installation packages - one for old 4.2.1 devices and one for 4.3 and above (including 5.0 touch devices), both having some extra code to fit into actual devices.
我们最终提供了两个版本:一个是为老版4.2.1设备准备 的;另一个给4.3及以上版本设备(包括5.0触摸设备)准备的。 这两个版本都提供了一些额外的代码来适应实际设备。
When customers asked for performance, they were faced with shrinking batch windows and had to fit more and more maintenance into smaller and smaller maintenance windows.
In a clumsy way, Wick had identified the problem with Mexicans: how would they fit into a system that drew a sharp distinction between blacks and whites?
So a lot of charged particles can fit into a small space, with very light structures.
Use your creativity to come up with ways to fit exercise and healthy eating into your life in a way that works for you.
The plug will fit into a car's socket, with the other end fitting into a standard 110-volt or 220-volt outlet.
InfoQ spoke with Andrew Shorten, Senior Product Manager at Adobe, to learn more about these releases, how they fit into the overall Flash platform, and what to expect in the future.
InfoQ有幸采访到了Adobe高级产品经理Andrew Shorten以深入了解此次发布的相关信息以及他们将如何适应整个Flash平台和未来的期望。
This section takes a look at some possible alternatives and see how they fit into and compare with other environments, like web services.
In 1965 a new simple group (with 175,560 symmetries) was discovered which did not fit into any of the standard families.
In 1965 a new simple group (with 175, 560 symmetries) was discovered which did not fit into any of the standard families.
According to the organizers, this will help people with busy lives fit exercise into their day and avoid health problems such as heart disease and obesity.(See photo)
According to the organizers, this will help people with busy lives fit exercise into their day and avoid health problems such as heart disease and obesity.(See photo)