On your second question, China adopts a managed floating exchange rate regime, which serves the long-term and fundamental interests of China.
China establishes a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market demand and supply with reference to a basket of currencies.
We have manifested on many occasions that it is our established policy of implementing a managed floating RMB exchange rate regime.
We have been following a managed floating exchange rate regime in accordance with the principle of independent initiative, controllability and gradualism.
It is China's policy to establish a managed floating exchange rate regime.
We argued that floating exchange rates would cause less disturbance than the fixed-rate regime.
They believe that the frequent fluctuation of nominal and real exchange rates under the floating exchange rate regime will inevitably lead to the reduction in the volume of international trade.
One of the most debated issues in international economics concerns the choice ofexchange rate regime and the 'pros' and 'cons' of fixed versus flexible or floating exchange rates.
It was decided at that time that we would adopt a market-based, single, regulated floating exchange rate regime.
There are two broad types of exchange rate regimes: the Fixed exchange rate regime and the Flexible (Floating) Exchanges rate regime.
Since China has adopted RMB floating exchange rate regime in 2005, the continued appreciation and volatility of RMB make them face unprecedented challenges.
Strategic behavior of policy selection shows that the managed floating exchange rate regime with market entering restriction could not become a Nash equilibrium.
Experience of advanced countries shows, capital control influences operation of floating exchange rate regime through the expectation of speculative capital.
Under the managed floating exchange rate regime, exchange rates always fluctuate acutely.
It was decided at that time that we would adopt a market-based, single, regulated floating exchange rate regime.
We will pursue a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market demand and supply and with reference to a basket of currencies.
We will pursue a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market demand and supply and with reference to a basket of currencies.