Analyzes the method of auto balance, parameter calculation, hardware circuit and software flow chart of electric bridge of NDP in the non -destructive testing of EED.
Methods of traffic distribution including cause and transferring traffic distribution forecast are analyzed, the calculation flow chart and calculation properties are studied.
The network method used to predict the temperature of armored vehicle power device was developed, the network model and the whole calculation flow chart were presented.
Using the thought of object compiling and with VB as an instrument to carry on the development of program that gives out the thought to compile program and the calculation flow chart of correlation.
A calculation method for force analysis of the internal combustion engine with four strokes was established, and a flow chart was presented.
The flow chart for the micro calculation which can be coupled easily with macro calculation and calculation of phase diagrams were also provided.
The flow chart for the micro calculation which can be coupled easily with macro calculation and calculation of phase diagrams were also provided.