Effects of ionization environment, including reaction ions type and amounts in APCI source, on ionization mode of anthraquinones were examined by changing the flow rate and mobile phase proportion.
The influence of types and concentration of ionic liquids, detection wavelength, proportion of mobile phase, flow rate on the result of detection were discussed.
The effects of mobile phase composition, flow rate, column temperature, gradient ramp, ph value, salt concentration, and buffer concentration on capacity factors (K ') were respectively discussed.
The influence of water proportion in mobile phase, flow rate of chromatography, derivatives of various kinds of alcohol were systematically examined.
The effects of temperature, flow rate and composition of mobile phase on retention, resolution, column efficiency and the pressure of the system were examined.
The elution mode, composition of the mobile phase, content of the organic acid and the flow-rate of the mobile phase were optimized and thus a new flow rate gradient was proposed.
The conditions for the analysis of transformed products of 3-cyanopyridine via microorganism by RP-HPLC with flow rate gradient of mobile phase have been studied.
The influences of the composition of mobile phase, the flow rate, the temperature and the injected quantity on the enantiomer rententivity and selectivity were examined and discussed.
The composition of mobile phase, flow rate and column temperature were optimized to get better resolution.
The composition of mobile phase, flow rate and column temperature were optimized to get better resolution.