But if I say I am angry or I choose to be angry, the focus of control is internal.
Control your intentions and focus, and you'll be the master of your life.
To get inflation back under control there is a case for redefining the role of the bank to focus on primarily on price stability.
You need to ensure all the steps of the COBIT domain lifecycle are followed through and the detailed control objectives are mapped onto the IT Governance Focus Areas and the COSO control activities.
您需要确保遵循了COBIT领域生命周期的所有步骤,并且确保详细的控制目标映射到了IT治理焦点区域和COSO 控制活动上。
Control for mobility methods are the focus of the third track.
Marine reserves are common in the tropics, butpolicymakers in temperate countries tend to focus on one species at atime to control numbers of that species caught.
How octopuses control their arms has been a focus of Hochner's work for more than a decade.
This variable contains the ID of the control that has the focus and was registered using IFocusService.
One of the most efficient ways to reduce stress is to focus inward on one thing we can effectively control: our own breath.
If you aren't getting enough sleep because of things outside of your control - such as a child who is not sleeping regularly or a medical condition - focus on the things that are within your control.
In spite of the new focus on risk and control, the Deloitte survey found that many of the biggest companies had not yet found effective ways to tie pay to risk.
To sustain a low level of leadership control and a high level of autonomy, Agile Teams need to focus on the central part of the Team Management Wheel - Linking.
This paper will focus on the impact of estimation variance on the measurement and control component of governance.
A screen reader provides a continuous auditory representation of what's on the screen, what options are available, what user interface control has focus, and what changes are taking place.
In times of economic uncertainty, remember to focus on what you can control, not what you can't.
As his personal life spiraled out of control, Tyson lost his focus in the ring.
The swing – that all important element that is the final determinant of how the ball is hit – would not be the focus until I had the fundamentals under control.
KIPP's focus on discipline and self-control has gotten its poor minority students college scholarships, but only a third of them have graduated with a college degree.
It also allowed us much more control over the platform. We could focus on learning technologies that were core to our business, like FFmpeg and the transcoding of video.
A mock is a "fake" object that allows you to focus on testing important features within the scope of the Rails project, rather than on interactions with external systems that you have no control over.
The business control and manipulation of managed data can now focus on the goal rather than on on the technology to achieve it, so that Message Broker users can accomplish more with less knowledge.
These type of questions help change our focus from feeling out of control to having a chance to determine how we want to feel and making changes that help us get our needs met.
Focus the attention of roughly equivalent to control processing.
The booster program is also working with its partners to develop a system to monitor the progress of malaria-control efforts, given the strong result-focus of the Program. says Pierre-Louis.
另外,基于该方案非常重视结果,“推动方案”正在与合作伙伴一道建立一个监控疟疾防治工作进展的体制,Pierre- Louis说。
Consider a second pattern of focus that affects the quality of your life: Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you can't?
You will revisit the Button setup code later in this article; for now focus on the setup of the WebView control or widget.
You will revisit the Button setup code later in this article; for now focus on the setup of the WebView control or widget.