The application picks out events that are of interest and focuses on these using the cameras.
Much research in semantic web services focuses not on describing the meaning of services, but rather emphasizes the process of service aggregation, which is of no interest to the service requester.
DeveloperWorks also hosts a technical library of XML standards, which primarily focuses on the XML vocabularies that would be of interest to most developers.
While the article focuses primarily on capability that has been introduced in Message Broker V6.1, it will also be of interest to users of previous versions who are considering an upgrade to V6.1.
This paper focuses on several problems concerning the relationship between Chinese historiography and archaeology, which are of great interest to intellectual circles in China and abroad.
Different legal branches have different legal interests. The legal interest of economic law focuses on the interest that economic law initially wants to realize, namely the social public interest.
Considering of the latest researches in the world, this thesis focuses on the term structure of interest rates behavior in the Chinese bond market.
The first add-on interest in the recent nine years has become one of the focuses both at home and abroad.
The article focuses the environmental public interest on the environmental citizen suits of the USA.
This paper focuses on how the real exchange rates of Yen influence the long-term real interest rates in Japan in the period of Yen's long-term increasing (1971-2002).
本文研究的是日元长期升值期间(1971 ~ 2002年),日元实际汇率波动对日本长期实际利率的影响。
Recent years have seen growing interest in the area of genre based studies. This paper focuses on the study of generic structure.
The journal focuses on the following areas of interest: surgery, wound care, bone healing, pain management, in-office orthotic systems, diabetes and sports medicine.
The journal focuses on the following areas of interest: surgery, wound care, bone healing, pain management, in-office orthotic systems, diabetes and sports medicine.