Yes, Sir. For how many people, please?
"For how many people?" the attendant asked.
There has to be some access for visitors, but how much and for how many people and by what means remain controversial issues.
Do you have any idea as for how many people lost their lives in traffic accidents in a year? No idea about that? Ok, I'll tell you.
The free version comes with the ability to upload 30 pages per month, and also has limitations for how many people can access and edit a given document.
Jim Wartski: I hope every town is able to do something of this nature, and set an example for how many people could be recognizing soldiers who are coming back.
When medical researchers learned how to prevent diseases and stop them from spreading, the quality of life for many people around the world improved.
But how many people use their noses for their jobs?
How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people?
I've heard from and talked to many people who described how Mother Nature simplified their lives for them.
You'd be surprised how many people actually do this, and it makes life really easy for burglars.
It's hard to tell exactly how many people agree with him, but research indicates that the numbers have been rising for some time.
The zoo has made a place just for you because so many people want to see how special you are!
With his help, many people learned to write their own names; with his help, many people learned to read newspaper for the first time; with his help, many women were able to teach their children how to read.
The question of how to value different kinds of reading is complicated because people read for many reasons.
Indeed, one reason many people give for the decline in CD sales is how few CDs are really good all the way through.
MANY people are looking to Japan for lessons on how (not) to manage a credit crisis.
Maybe it's true that we need to apology for our wrong doings, but how many people can be brave enough to do so?
Maybe I could ask for a show of hands of how many people did that.
The same is true for email, and you’d be surprised how many people are losing precious hours in their inbox.
The same is true for email, and you'd be surprised how many people are losing precious hours in their inbox.
Talking abstractly about how you could use a tool is very hard to follow for many people, so I'll show you how to create a metadata tool using SQLAlchemy.
When you are part of the development cycle, you don't necessarily realize all the things Domino is being used for or how many people rely on its performance and stability.
In the case of a library, the default may be by author, because that is how many people look for specific books.
That class detects the change in partner selection for the right-click menu and specifies how many people are selected.
How many people attending conferences in Warsaw, for example, get to visit the spectacular university library (pictured, above)?
Where to turn for expert information and how to determine which expert advice to accept are questions facing many people today.
Where to turn for expert information and how to determine which expert advice to accept are questions facing many people today.