Save web pages for later viewing offline;
Save your TV show to your digital set-top box for later viewing instead.
Users can conduct video meetings with other people or record a video presentation for later viewing.
You're also able to search, view, and manage your Flickr account from your iPhone and save Flickr photos for later viewing.
The preference now is for streaming—so videos, movies or games can be consumed in real time—rather than downloading for later viewing.
Satellite transmissions can be viewed at specified sites, or the transmissions can be videotaped for later viewing at home or school.
Built-in multizone motion detection triggers the recording of alarm images that can be transferred to an FTP server for later viewing.
As more people time shift TV shows for later viewing, skipping through the commercials with their remote, TV shows' advertising revenues have been affected.
Future iPods may be able to receive real-time broadcasts, while mobile handsets will be able to store broadcast content or download it from PCs or PVRs for later viewing.
So... and later we'll say…we’ll give the web address for viewing these video clips.
But 3d TVs and much of the 3d content won't be available until later this year and even then most of these sets will be pricey and will require people to wear special glasses for viewing.
Later, people add the lighthouse, lamp holder as well as butter sculptures to shape a variety of characters, flowers, birds and animals, for viewing.
Later, people add the lighthouse, lamp holder as well as butter sculptures to shape a variety of characters, flowers, birds and animals, for viewing.