Why is the AIR approach preferable to building an offline component for browser-based applications, along the lines of what Google is doing with Google Gears?
The question is often asked whether it is preferable to use a separate log file for each application, or to combine the logging from all applications into a single output file.
Similar hardware for the both systems is preferable.
Of course, defined leadership is preferable to a confused structure, but the potential for one man or woman to make that much impact on a corporate outcome is wildly exaggerated.
The latter option is usually preferable, as it makes less work for the collector and allows the entire cache to be reclaimed with less effort when memory is in high demand.
If the callback is being used to request a password for encrypting data, it is preferable to ask for the password twice, in some fashion, to catch any typos.
What's far more preferable is for the teams responsible for delivering consumer applications and services to write their own consumer tests, and then give these tests to the service provider.
The second form is preferable because it tests explicitly for the range of values you consider to be valid.
Is anyone adept at scanning the whole code base, looking for pervasive issues or opportunities? Are less expensive tweaks and hacks preferable over doing it right (but expensively) the first time?
Or are they exploiting a passing fad which will fade when the economy recovers and high-flyers realise that safe jobs are preferable to sitting by the phone waiting for the talent agency to call?
它们抑或只是昙花一现? 因为当经济复苏时,那些胸有抱负者就会意识到安稳的工作要比整天守在电话机旁等人才中介来电要强许多。
For example, if only a single day should be evaluated (roughly 1,000 rows), accessing the rows using the SALES_DATE index is preferable.
例如,如果只有一天需要计算(约 1,000行),使用 SALES_DATE索引访问行可能更好。
For the upload/download windows, it is preferable to deal with them rather than skip them.
Note that it is preferable to use variables to give you more flexibility, rather than using an "external" JAR file, which was used in our example for the sake of simplicity.
On balance, the first would be preferable: the more responsibility Libyans take for their future, the better.
Depending on circumstances, a neutral location such as a restaurant might be a preferable place for "the talk."
It is preferable to use the waitfor task to test whether the Selenium server has successfully started, rather than pausing for a fixed time.
If you receive multiple offers within the same deadline period for acceptance, your task will simply be to decide which option is preferable.
Going outside for amusement or playing simpler toys is more preferable and feasible in terms of providing children who are in the formative years with beneficial enjoyment.
The focusing mechanism was running handiness in high dependability, also having preferable the ability for anti-vibrancy and anti-impingement.
By regulating the technology, preferable calcium carbonate whisker was prepared and it provided experience for manufacture of calcium carbonate whisker in carbonizer.
For the appraising and controlling of strategy, applying the balanced scorecard to build an evaluation indicators system can obtain preferable effect.
Simulation and experimental results confirm the decoupling control strategy for the power filter. It has preferable dynamic characteristics and robust quality.
He said that although it would be "very preferable to take this vital decision by consensus," failure to obtain unanimous support for the initiative "must not become an excuse for postponing action."
Voluntary subscription is also preferable to the compulsory, universal variety that pays for the BBC and other European public broadcasters.
Our preferable terms would be sole and exclusive selling rights for the UK for a trial period of 24 months.
An application of this method for selection of a preferable solution within the multiple solutions is demonstrated.
For others, it is preferable to work up to the most severe trauma gradually or by taking the trauma one piece at a time (desensitization).
For others, it is preferable to work up to the most severe trauma gradually or by taking the trauma one piece at a time (desensitization).