But the health sector cannot formulate the policies or enact and enforce the legislation that creates a health-promoting environment, an environment that makes healthy choices the easy choices.
To formulate policies, technical standards and norms for the development of transportation sector; to organize major S&T development of the region; to push forward technical progress in the sector.
To draft the policies and regulations on marine salvages, formulate emergency response plans and related regulations and systems for marine salvages and vessel pollution accidents;
to formulate electricity universal service plans according the related state policies.
To explore the needs of the masses of the information providing for patients select doctors, so as to provide basic date for the medical institution's practical operation and to formulate policies.
They formulate policies which establish the direction to be taken by these organizations, either alone or in conjunction with a board of directors.
Each state has the sovereign right to formulate and implement its population policies in accordance with national objectives and needs.
Objective to explore the factors that affect the blood gas sample error and formulate corresponding policies.
It is an essential part for EIA of policies to choose and formulate the alternatives of a policy.
The state shall formulate certain tax policies as such to encourage the production of the energy efficient environmental friendly automobile vehicle and electronic product.
Local governments shall formulate policies, research into matters and instruct in work on the basis of Customs statistical data on import and export when involving import and export practice.
Finally, the paper proposes that commercial Banks should formulate feasible human rights policies that conform to commercial human rights Norms, as well as implement necessary supporting measures.
We will set up a "Commission for the Elderly" with wide community representation to formulate policies and co-ordinate the delivery of services.
Assist GM in oganizing and participating to formulate policies and procedures for the EJV for the day-to-day operations and management;
Assist GM in oganizing and participating to formulate policies and procedures for the EJV for the day-to-day operations and management;