The structural design for foundation of frame style axial blower under circumstances of high rotation speed and high intensity is mainly discussed in the paper.
针对高烈度区工程实践 ,从层数与造价、结构类型与使用功能、基础型式选择、构造措施与施工质量等方面阐述了住宅工程设计与施工中应注意的几个问题 。
The structural design for foundation of frame style axial blower under circumstances of high rotation speed and high intensity is mainly discussed in the paper.
针对高烈度区工程实践 ,从层数与造价、结构类型与使用功能、基础型式选择、构造措施与施工质量等方面阐述了住宅工程设计与施工中应注意的几个问题 。