Frame semantics interprets the confirmation of the anaphor and cognitive discursion.
We first state the significance and possibility of applying Frame Semantics to college English vocabulary teaching.
Frame Semantics theory holds that word senses are related to each other by way of their links to common background frames.
Based on the Cognitive Linguistics, Frame Semantics upholds that conceptual structure provides the background and motivation for the existence of lexicon.
The Chinese FrameNet project is producing a lexicon of Chinese for both human use and NLP applications, based on the principles of Fillmore s Frame Semantics.
The basic characteristic of frame semantics is the empiricism method. Its central thought is that the word significance description must relate with the semantic frame.
It focuses on Chinese English learners' comprehension of English polysemous common verbs in sentence processing by using the theory of family resemblance and frame semantics.
As a cognitive semantics, frame semantics provides with a descriptive method to words lexical meanings, and the concept "frame" in it is a cognitive organizing form of concept.
This thesis aims to offer a new perspective for college English vocabulary teaching by appealing to an important theoretical framework under the Cognitive Approach-the frame Semantics theory.
Secondly, we introduce a prepositional class-selection semantics, give the frame conditions of the character axioms of the systems.
The Chinese word order is rather agility, so different word order can often change the sentence frame and its meaning in syntax, semantics and pragmatics.
Modal situation semantics is a unified mathematics frame provided for the situation semantics by the logician in the term of the theory situation technology.
We construct three kinds of systems of knowing action, prove that they have the frame soundness and frame completeness with respect to the matched semantics, respectively.
Secondly, we introduce the relation semantics, give the frame conditions of the character axioms of KA, prove the frame soundness of KA with respect to the frame conditions.
Focusing on the three aspects of this frame, I analyze the science display in the ways of semantics, syntactics and pragmatics with many real display programs.
In order to analyze the non-repudiation and fairness properties under one frame, a set of first-order logic syntax and semantics for non-repudiation protocols was proposed, and a model was built.
Secondly, we introduce the order neighborhood semantics, give the frame conditions of the character axioms of DEC2, prove the frame soundness of DEC2 with respect to the frame conditions.
Secondly, we introduce the order neighborhood semantics, give the frame conditions of the character axioms and rules of DEC1, prove the frame soundness of DEC1 with respect to the frame conditions.
Secondly, we introduce the order neighborhood semantics, give the frame conditions of the character axioms and rules of DEC1, prove the frame soundness of DEC1 with respect to the frame conditions.