Fritz Henderson is an excellent choice to be the next CEO of GM.
That leaves Fritz Henderson - the man with the toughest job in the world.
GM's chief executive, Fritz Henderson, aims to focus the company on four vehicle brands - Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC and Buick.
通用首席执行官弗理兹·韩德胜欲将公司重点放在四大品牌上- - -雪弗兰、卡迪拉克、GMC和别克。
Fritz Henderson, GM's chief operating officer, went further on March 3rd, saying that GM might even be willing to cede control to save Opel.
GM's chief executive, Fritz Henderson, is hoping for a swift reorganisation allowing a slimmed-down version of the Detroit manufacturer to emerge from bankruptcy within 60 to 90 days.
FRITZ Henderson was due to deliver a speech at the Los Angeles Motor Show on Wednesday December 2nd, to give an update on General Motors' progress since its spell in bankruptcy this summer.
Mr. Koch will report to GM's Chief Executive Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson, but will also report directly to the company's board of directors.
科赫将向通用汽车首席执行长韩德胜(Frederick Henderson)汇报,但也将直接向公司的董事会汇报。
This past week, GM's chief executive officer, Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson, stepped down under pressure from the company's board.
上周,通用汽车首席执行长韩德胜(Frederick "Fritz"Henderson)在公司董事会的压力下辞职。
He played a key role pushing for the exit last year of former CEO Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson, these people said.
这些人说,他去年在推动前首席执行长亨德森(Frederick'Fritz ' Henderson)离职的过程中扮演了关键角色。
Tuesday, GM Chief Executive Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson, on his first trip to China since GM emerged from bankruptcy in July, said China plays an increasingly important role in GM's global operations.
通用汽车首席执行长韩德胜(FrederickHenderson)周二访问中国,这是他自通用汽车7月份走出破产之后首次来中国。 韩德胜说,中国市场在通用汽车全球业务中扮演着越来越重要的角色。
In November, former Chief Executive Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson promised to repay the money by mid-2011. Mr.
In November, former Chief Executive Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson promised to repay the money by mid-2011. Mr.