Running through these styles is an emphasis on authenticity and a comparative lack of commercial appeal, but the underground I'm talking about is distinct from these.
In the media world, this has taken the form of a shift from ad-supported free content to freemium - free samples as marketing for paid services - with an emphasis on the "premium" part.
Briefly, the core of what is known as the Japanese style of management comes from an emphasis in Japanese society on building consensus in group decision making.
The final will be comprehensive and will cover material from the entire course with an emphasis on material from lectures 31-36 not covered by an hour exam.
The second week will consider recent evidence regarding how memories are created in the brain, with an emphasis placed on contributions from medial-temporal lobe neural structures.
An informal style reigned, with emphasis on the creation of something that looks natural, taking lessons from nature, yet in a controlled and ordered frame.
Mr. Lackey joined the Nevada Department of Wildlife in 1993 after graduating from the University of Nevada at Reno with a degree in renewable natural resources and an emphasis on wildlife management.
雷基从内华达大学雷诺分校(the UniversityofNevadaat Reno)获得可再生自然资源管理学学位,主攻方向是野生动物管理学,1993年加入了内达华州野生动物局。
Fujian cuisine, with an emphasis on seafood, is one of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine. It is composed of traditions from various regions, including Fuzhou cuisine and Min Nan cuisine.
This paper is a brief analysis of some of Pinters plays from a feminist point of view, with an emphasis on the function…
This paper is a brief analysis of some of Pinters plays from a feminist point of view, with an emphasis on the function…