Instead Moses hit the rock twice for water because he was angry and this was the reason he was barred from the Promised Land by God.
But he brought us out from there to bring us in and give us the land that he promised on oath to our forefathers.
They've just heard a report from a reconnaissance team that scoped out the land, and that they think that the chances of conquering the Promised land are very, very slim.
This country where a young black minister from Georgia who had nothing but a dream in his heart went on to lead his people to the Promised Land of civil rights and voting rights.
And this embarrassing episode is just the beginning of a sequence of embarrassing events that will occur as the Israelites move from Egypt towards the land that's been promised to them.
Moses next prepared to lead the people from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land of Israel.
Promised Land is the story one man's journey to find truth… and one community's desperate struggle to hide from it.
In the end, her merciful Lord came to her rescue again. He gave her peace and tranquility in the transition from the present world to the Promised Land.
America, for example, has seen its international image go from "the promised land" to " bully imperialist" primairly because it was demonstrating its military strength.
God is refreshingly clear about what his people can expect from him once they're in the Promised Land.
Moses repeats God's instructions from Mount Sinai and retraces Israel's travels in the desert so that this new generation will know how to obey God as they enter the Promised Land.
Moses repeats God's instructions from Mount Sinai and retraces Israel's travels in the desert so that this new generation will know how to obey God as they enter the Promised Land.