He got up, continued on around the car and jumped in the front passenger seat.
Additionally, the front passenger seatback folds down onto the seat, allowing its use as a table in the car's interior.
We had barely broached the airport perimeter when he pulled to a halt, and a second man climbed into the front passenger seat.
Reiko had climbed into the front passenger seat and tried to steer the car, but she didn't know how. And it just kept on going.
A woman once drove up with her dog in the front passenger seat, and the pet eagerly jumped over onto the driver's lap when the car reached my window.
Moreover, a child seat recognition sensor deactivates the front airbag preventing its deployment if a child seat is mounted on the front passenger seat.
"I'll bet you're back there to get a change of scenery after all those months of sitting in the front passenger seat teaching me how to drive," says the beaming boy to his father.
The filmmakers got round the problem by changing the seating arrangements, having RON, and not George, in the front passenger seat, and Harry's trunk in the boot, not in the back seat.
It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house that we saw Lily in the passenger seat.
A laptop will pose a similar problem, even if it remains on the lap of a front-seat passenger.
The passenger in the front seat, a man wearing a beard, dreadlocks and a black T-shirt, seems to be the commander.
Seat belts and air bags protect the driver and front seat passenger in most new cars.
Now the driver and the front-seat passenger are required to wear safety belts.
An available fold-flat front-passenger seat provides improved cargo storage room (Laredo models).
However, it is very dangerous to put a rearward-facing baby seat in the front if there is an airbag fitted on the passenger side.
The Lexus RX also includes dashboard-mounted knee airbags for the driver and front passenger and seat-mounted side-impact airbags for outboard rear passengers.
In a car, the driver and the passenger in the front seat have to wear safety belts.
Welcome to make your choice. Please put down the table in front of you. For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during the meal service.
US military statement said troops trying to stop the car used hand signals and fired warning shots before firing directly at the car, killing the driver and front seat passenger.
美军官方发言指出,当时士兵用了信号叫那辆车停车, 所以他们才开抢射击。
US military statement said troops trying to stop the car used hand signals and fired warning shots before firing directly at the car, killing the driver and front seat passenger.
美军官方发言指出,当时士兵用了信号叫那辆车停车, 所以他们才开抢射击。