DEC is one of the three commodity futures exchanges in China.
Issues on withdrawal of reserve by futures exchanges and futures brokerage companies.
Blessed with a popular product, the futures exchanges also enjoy high barriers to entry.
Issues on depreciation of fixed assets by futures exchanges and futures brokerage companies.
Chicago Board of Trade is one of the most important Treasury bond futures exchanges in the world.
The second economic function provided by futures exchanges is price risk management, also known as hedging.
It is responsible for recording and monitoring the trading of futures contracts on United States futures exchanges.
China futures Association and futures exchanges shall exercise self-discipline administration of futures companies.
He notes that futures exchanges do not have to pool the clearing of their trades, as stock exchanges do, which gives them added control.
However, the higher volatility in futures markets in recent months has prompted the major futures exchanges to increase trading margin requirements.
An increasingly heated takeover battle for the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), one of the world's leading futures exchanges, has sent its market value soaring.
Stock and futures exchanges, securities, fund and futures companies, and enterprises applying for public issuance of stocks, convertible bonds and funds.
Article 21 Futures exchanges shall allow customers to use their customer trading codes on the next trading day following the allocation day of the said codes.
Article 19 the CFMMC shall forward on the same day application information for customer trading codes that passes its double check to the relevant futures exchanges.
The world's largest consumer of commodities has already created futures exchanges in Dalian, Zhengzhou and Shanghai that have collectively become the largest in the world.
Hedging can benefit anyone including grain elevator operators, merchandisers, producers, exporters, or process any of the agricultural commodities traded on futures exchanges.
Article 27 the CFMMC shall forward applications for the cancellation of customer trading codes to the relevant futures exchanges on the same day it receives such applications.
Personnel and employees of the Competent Authority, futures exchanges, futures clearing institutions, futures industry associations, or the Federation of Futures Industry Associations;
Its legal position must be specified: maintaining the legal rights of the members and markets participants as well as maintaining the authority of the self-regulation by futures exchanges.
Futures exchanges should become guardian for institutions and investors, should protect the interests of investors as their responsibility, and should put efforts in pioneering and service.
Article 3 overseas futures business in these Measures refers to the business by domestic enterprises of engaging in the listing standardized contract transaction of overseas futures exchanges.
That said, new exchanges are free to introduce contracts that are similar, but not identical, to existing ones-as ICE did so successfully with oil futures.
Yet unlike shares, which can be traded in various venues, futures contracts are almost always concentrated on the exchanges that created them.
Two established exchanges that trade commodities and futures, the InterContinentalExchange, or ICE, and the Chicago Mercantile exchange, set up clearinghouses, and, so did Nasdaq.
On April 20th America's Commodity Futures trading Commission (CFTC) approved the second of two exchanges that would allow trading of contracts based on films' box-office takings.
Dicker estimates the financial market for oil is 15 times greater than the amount of actual oil being traded, with 75 types of futures being sold on exchanges.
The Standard &Poor’s 500 Index climbed 0.1 percent to 1, 066.16 at 9:38 a.m. in New York after futures on the measure fell as much as 1.3 percent before the open of U.S. exchanges.
We also have standardized contracts that are traded on exchanges and they're called futures contracts.
Standardized contracts traded on exchanges are called futures contracts.
Standardized contracts traded on exchanges are called futures contracts.