As an approach to describe and control the system, the fuzzy logic theory has been the common concerns of people.
Combining rough set theory with fuzzy logic technology, this paper has presented a method of gaining fuzzy control rules based on measured data.
The navigation technique of robot control using artificial potential fields is based on fuzzy logic and stability is guaranteed by Lyapunov theory.
In this paper, adaptive fuzzy control theory is led into the research field of vibration control engineering, and an on line self study method based on fuzzy logic system is proposed.
Modern control theory, variable structure control theory and fuzzy logic control theory are applied to contrive two schemes to control Parallel triple inverted-pendulum system.
To the question of the hydraulic turbine regulating system, this paper discusses fuzzy neural network control (FNNC) based on the character of fuzzy logic and neural network theory.
Rational switching logic of pumps is designed with fuzzy control theory, and stable switching is implemented.
Recently, Neuro-fuzzy Control base on the Neural Network Theory and Fuzzy Logic System was used widely and successfully.
Fuzzy logic rules are introduced to adjust approaching law adaptively, and the guidance is designed by applying variable structure control theory.
Finally, referring the intelligent control theory, the self-adjusting parameter PID control strategy based on the fuzzy logic rules is introduced.
The theory of maximum relative velocity distance is provided, and the fuzzy logic is used to control the time margin.
The influence of the steering and suspension system to the performance of the vehicle is analyzed, and fuzzy logic control theory is used.
Mathematics makes a great difference on control theory. Especially fuzzy logic and wavelet analysis have gotten far-reaching in applications of intelligent control.
Fuzzy control theories combined together with the theory of variable structure control, put forward a approach law based on fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy control theories combined together with the theory of variable structure control, put forward a approach law based on fuzzy logic.