FLTK is a simple but flexible GUI toolkit that is gaining increasing attention in the Linux world, especially for low-footprint environments.
Signal integrity theory is gaining increasing attention in high speed digital circuit design impedance matching plays an important role.
Quality management of medical records, as one of the most efficient methods to control link quality in medical quality management, has been gaining increasing attention.
Utopia has been gaining increasing attention in the contemporary western academic world with its unique character that there exist Utopia and anti-Utopia at the same time.
The health-benefits of pomegranate have focussed almost exclusively on the pulp and juice of the fruit, most notably in fruit form although extracts are also gaining increasing attention.
With the quick development of information technology, electronic commerce is gaining more and more attention worldwide and has become the new increasing point of economy in the 21 century.
With the quick development of information technology, electronic commerce is gaining more and more attention worldwide and has become the new increasing point of economy in the 21 century.