Garden suburb Early Learning Centre is located in a suburb of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
In JUNE 76-year-old Dorothy Richardson of Euclid, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, discovered a fawn nestled in her garden.
76岁的陶乐希·理查德森(Dorothy Richardson)家住俄亥俄州克利夫兰城郊的欧几里得镇。
Roger Martin, a retired stone mason, had a huge garden in the back of his house in a far northern suburb of Paris.
马丁(Roger Martin)是个退休泥瓦匠,他的家在巴黎北部的远郊区,后院里有个很大的花园。
Walk around any suburb and you can see the damage to garden after garden.
Walk around any suburb and you can see the damage to garden after garden.