So from measured equation of state data, or from a model like the ideal gas or the van der Waal's gas or another equation of state you know this.
Let's try it with a different equation of state, that isn't quite as simple as the ideal gas case.
But due to the compressibility of gas significantly higher than fluid, the state equation of gas is different from fluid.
Calculation shows that the viscosity model based on pr state equation has big error, while LBC empirical relationship can provide more accurate viscosity of acidic gas.
An equation of state relates the pressure, temperature, and density of the gas.
The FEM air isolation model based on the state equation of ideal gas is used to study the effects of air isolation.
At higher temperatures the equation of state becomes better and better approximated by the "perfect gas" law.
The ideal gas state equation is used to calculate the maximum temperature of air trap.
In this paper, according to virial equation of state for real gas, the high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air is analyzed.
The accuracy of viscosity model based on pr state equation, empirical equation and chart method for predicting acidic gas viscosity is correlated.
In the paper, modification suggestion to Vander Waals gas model is provided; state equation and internal energy formula which are more suitable for characteristic of real gas are derived.
The theoretical formula about vacuity in vacuum tube and pore-water pressure at the observation point was obtained in this paper by using equation of gas state and equilibrium equation.
The precisions of other state equations are checked with BWR equation which precision is very high. The method applying the BWR equation to gas network hydraulic calculation is proposed.
The application of Maxwell velocity distribution law rigidly proves that the statistical proof on the state equation of ideal gas.
The application of the steady-state equation in one-dimensional transport processes of gas is discussed and the physical meaning of the equation is analyzed.
Analying the limit of state equation of ideal gas in substance, the conception that using compressional factor improves the accuracy of gas flux is introduced and the state equation is mended.
In this paper, a thermodynamic model of gas? Liquid? Solid phase equilibration is proposed on the basis of the equation of state and solution theory.
According to the steady-state theory of the condensate gas reservoir, the productivity equation of gas-liquid multiphase flow was run.
The results showed that using the weighting of adsorption column could achieve the least error, and in the next place was calculation by State equation of ideal gas, the gas chromatography was…
A new method of numerical simulation for condensate oil-gas reservoir is presented in this paper, and an equation-of-state multicomponent model is set up by using pseudo-component theory.
A new method of numerical simulation for condensate oil-gas reservoir is presented in this paper, and an equation-of-state multicomponent model is set up by using pseudo-component theory.