Gene flow is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.
In the absence of gene flow between the subpopulations, genetic differences between the groups begin to accumulate.
The change separated populations of insects now living along opposite shore, completely cutting off gene flow between them.
So, even under normal situations, the gene flow among the subpopulations is more of an intermittent trickle than a steady stream.
Gene flow, the movement of alleles across the range of the species, is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.
If two flying insect populations took up residence in separate nearby valleys, chances are that individuals from each population would fly back and forth, continuing gene flow.
Such a dramatic increase in straying from damaged areas to more pristine streams results in substantial gene flow, which can in turn lower the overall fitness of subsequent generations.
Scientists have stopped asking if such gene flow is possible.
The experiment is mostly restricted to the potential gene flow.
Gene flow is an important factor influencing the genetic structure of plant populations.
Power's studies of gene flow from virus-resistant GM plants give further reason for precaution.
Forces that can disturb this natural Balance are selection, mutation, gene flow, and natural selection.
Both Cantonese and Hakka populations show more gene flow from the southern natives in the maternal lineage.
Surprisingly, they found extensive gene flow between these populations, which meant mosquitoes traveled between groups.
The researchers point out that gene flow between crops and their wild relatives is common and difficult to contain.
The genetic differentiation of among populations might be caused by human selective pressures and barriers to gene flow.
Adopted gene flow method and applied special breeding scheme software ZUPLAN to analysis the breeding effect of current Merino sheep breeding scheme.
Specifically, both markers indicate that the Qiongzhou Strait, which separates Hainan Island from the continent, acts as a significant barrier to gene flow.
The main factors responsible for the high degree of genetic differentiation among populations may result from habitat fragmentation and barriers of gene flow.
Genetic variations of 12 structural loci of different Yangtse River Delta white goat populations were examined by starch gel electrophoresis and gene flow was analyzed.
If either area could be linked to Gombe by reforested corridors, the chimps would benefit from increased gene flow and population size. Then again, they might be hurt by sharing diseases.
High gene flow via spore dispersal in an earlier period when C. thalictroides was widely distributed in China is a plausible reason for the low genetic differentiation among populations.
POPGENE analysis indicated that there is very little gene flow among different populations (0.4916), which is the main reason of high genetic differentiation among M. lasiocarpa populations.
Transcription is the first major step in gene expression, and constitutes an important point of genetic information flow.
The role of CGRP gene on HUVEC proliferation, viability and cell cycle were observed by cell counting and flow cytometry, respectively.
The role of CGRP gene on HUVEC proliferation, viability and cell cycle were observed by cell counting and flow cytometry, respectively.