It is clearly up to the current generation of leaders from high-emitting nations to decide whether they want to be remembered as climate change tyrants or pioneers.
From where will East Asia find its next generation of leaders?
If a new generation of leaders comes in, this is not a bad thing.
But he also saw, buried within the company, a new generation of leaders.
We should establish a new third generation of leaders worthy of the name.
The movement of which he was a part depended on an entire generation of leaders.
You, me, him, she can become a new generation of leaders of the human spirit.
Nor is there any sign that the next generation of leaders see their mission differently.
As your new generation of leaders knows, rapid growth can lead to social and economic challenges at home.
For the second generation of leaders, I can be considered as the group leader, but the group is still a collective.
He believes that it is essential for the world's new generation of leaders to have better knowledge and understanding on China.
According to Lecture Notes, there are three main and urgent problems that Chinese new generation of leaders are facing with: 1) pollution;
I know that the single biggest contribution I will make to this company is helping the next generation of leaders become the best that they can be.
Yet they truly come alive in the classroom, pursuing their mission to educate the next generation of leaders who will make a difference in the world.
We are flowers of the motherland, a new generation of leaders as the sun shone as we were growing up, my heart-inch grateful, I would like to serve the motherland.
我们是祖国的花朵,新一代领导人的太阳照在我们成长的过程中,我heart - inch感激,我想为祖国服务。
Redistricting may also spring a new generation of Hispanic leaders into Congress.
What we need is a new generation of corporate leaders, both technical and non-technical, who will stand up and speak the truth — even when it flies in the face of tradition and habit.
Zahir Shah emotionally recalled his contacts with the older generation of Chinese leaders and stressed several times that China is a great friend of Afghanistan.
Do you believe the next generation of Chinese leaders who will take power in two years will share your outlook and keep trying to press the vision you are pressing forward?
'They're supposed to be leaders of the next generation.'
When the next generation of global leaders gathers here in 2060, what will our economic relationship look like?
Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation.
And even more importantly, by being good neighbors, concerned citizens and solid role models, they are helping to train the next generation of community leaders.
And even more importantly, by being good neighbors, concerned citizens and solid role models, they are helping to train the next generation of community leaders.