Generation X tends to individualism.
Generation X must maintain their cool even against greatest provocation.
However 46 percent of Generation X expects to retire no later than age 60.
There is a name, however, for' the generation that has no name'; Generation X.
The trouble for Sony, of course, is the natural reluctance of Generation X to be typecast.
Ten years ago, we might have called them Generation X, or slackers, but those labels don't quite fit anymore.
I will not grow a goatee. In the old days they made you look diabolic. Now they just make you look like a disaffected member of Generation X.
Last year, millennials edged out Generation X (35 to 50 years old in 2015) as the largest share of the labor force, according to the Pew Research Center.
因为,据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的调查,去年,千禧一代取代X一代(2015年年龄在35岁至50岁的人)成为美国劳动力市场上最大的一部分。
As people like (Douglas, author of Generation X) Coupland have been pointing out for years now, X is more a sensibility than a rigidly confined demographic.
道格拉斯(《X世代》一书作者)、库普兰这些人这么多年一直在讲,这个 X更像一个感性词语,而非一个严格定义的人口统计学术语。
Japan on Wednesday launched a new generation X-ray astronomy satellite aiming to reveal the structure of the universe and physics at extreme conditions in space.
Generation X, of which I am a member, was probably the last to grow up with the Top 40 and only a few TV stations—and the kind of common taste that this structure instilled.
Generation X (ages 33-44) remains the leader when it comes to online shopping with 80% using the Internet to buy products online, compared with 71% of Internet users ages 18-32.
X一代(33 -44岁)在网络购物中占主要地位,其中80%的网民在线购物,而18到32岁的年轻一辈中只有71%进行网购。
According to the Sunday Times, a study carried out by the Center for Work-Life Policy has revealed that 43 per cent of university-educated women from Generation X were child-free.
According to Pew's research, Generation X is most likely to shop, bank, and look for health information online, but boomers are just as likely as Gen Y to make travel reservations online.
The result could be a group of young people that, like their boomer parents, grows up with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy they've inherited from Generation X.
Apple said in a press release that it plans to preview new features and APIs for its next-generation operating systems iPhone 3.0 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
苹果公司在一份新闻稿中表示,它计划为下一代操作系统iPhone 3.0和MacOSXSnow Leopard预览新功能和APIs 。
In "JAXB and JAX-WS in Axis2" you saw how this application worked in Axis2, first with normal Axis2 code generation using JAXB 2.x data binding, then with JAX-WS 2.x service configuration.
在“Axis2中的JAXB和JAX - WS”中,您看到了这个应用程序在Axis2中如何工作:首先使用JAXB 2 .x数据绑定生成代码,然后进行JAX - WS 2 . x服务配置。
A first-generation anatomical imaging X-ray machine was built in Holland in early 1896.
A first-generation anatomical imaging X-ray machine was built in Netherlands in early 1896.
It's true that the group's nearly 6,000 members lean, demographically, more toward the Greatest Generation than Gen X.
States the generation principle of X radial, analysis content of X radial diffraction and its application on material analysis.
Introduce the application in the mine exploring of field on-the-spot with X ray fluorescence analysis instrument(XRF) of new generation.
The disease can skip a generation until another son inherits the defective gene on the X-chromosome.
The most attractive one is high order harmonic generation (HHG), which can be used as a source of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray lasers.
The monitoring device (20) may particularly be realized by an apparatus that allows the forced movement of the joint (1) in synchronization with the generation of X-ray projections.
It featured "Xtreme" futuristic styling and promised maximum versatility in support of a young and active lifestyle for its intended Generation 'x' buyer demographic.
It featured "Xtreme" futuristic styling and promised maximum versatility in support of a young and active lifestyle for its intended Generation 'x' buyer demographic.