This orbit (a high Earth or geosynchronous orbit) means that the satellite will always be directly over the same point on Earth, ensuring a continuous view of the ground.
The satellite split off from the rocket about 25 minutes after its 00:20 lift-off, entering a geosynchronous transfer orbit.
For now, however, WGS coverage is limited to the Pacific region where the first satellite is stationed in geosynchronous orbit 22, 500 miles over Polynesia.
Building one would mean lowering a cable from a satellite in a geosynchronous orbit above the Earth's equator while deploying a counterbalancing cable out into space.
Yutaka Kawashima also suggested that the Universe Development Undertaking Group organize an inspection team to thoroughly ascertain the reason why the satellite could not enter geosynchronous orbit.
A regional satellite navigation system which is made up of geosynchronous satellites and synchronous satellites with elliptical orbit is proposed.
A regional satellite navigation system which is made up of geosynchronous satellites and synchronous satellites with elliptical orbit is proposed.