Golden parachutes entitle them to a full year's salary if they get booted out of the company.
If you get disconnectedwhile playing, you're booted out of the game.
They were hoping to decrypt the file to get one of the free accounts, but they got caught and the company booted them.
Let's not even get into the whole scandal of Mark Hurd and the pretty pr woman that got him booted from HP.
But to get to the floor, Castle had to persuade North Dakota, which did not want to have one of its most famous residents, Sacagawea, booted off the dollar coin.
Simultaneously as I knelt down by her feet, she booted me in the face while we tried to get them on.
Can complaining too much get you booted from a frequent flier program?
NOOB INSIGHT: Don't submit crap for the sake of it as it won't get any votes and you risk being booted from the system for flooding it selfishly, and don't only submit your own content.
NOOB INSIGHT: Don't submit crap for the sake of it as it won't get any votes and you risk being booted from the system for flooding it selfishly, and don't only submit your own content.