We are also giving away a couple of PSDs that you can use right away in your next design.
If you're in a crowded train, or a hostel room, or a bus ride, and someone doesn't have one, you just made a new friend by giving yours away.
If you're an avoider, you need to practise relying on people, giving them a chance instead of finding fault and pulling away.
When you come across sites giving away snippets of code don't just copy the snippet and paste it into your site.
"It felt like giving away, say, an ugly Christmas sweater your mom made you," Mr. Yan said.
If you design for portability, you design for the lowest level of functionality, giving away any advantages.
And so as we move out, we see continuously from our planet all the way out into the real of galaxies as we see here, light travel time, giving you a sense of how far away we are.
Also, the 'active sharing' hours can be set so that, say after work, you are not disturbed or giving your location away.
Again, tasks need to be completed in a timely fashion; if you're having trouble finishing a project, you must delegate to other team members, even if you happen to relish the task you're giving away.
She is businesslike, direct - a world away from most fashion designers, whose idea of giving an interview is calling you darling a lot, and complimenting your shoes.
Since time is limited, giving yourself a deadline forces you to prioritize what is most important and cut away what is least.
And unlike my paperback book, my eBook isn't going to cost you anything because I'm giving it away for free!
It's an inversion of the old free sample promotion: Rather than giving away one brownie to sell 99 others, you give away 99 virtual penguins to sell one virtual igloo.
You're weeks away from becoming a first-time father, and by now, countless friends and relatives have tried to prepare you for the momentous occasion by giving you well-meaning advice.
If you have a large area covered with exotic ferns, rare begonias, unusual Bird of Paradise and the like, consider giving some of them away.
When you start right away (like today), you are not giving the plan the seriousness it deserves.
I can't remember giving Newcastle a chance at goal and, away from home, you have to give credit to our team for that.
You’re in luck – we’re giving away one incredibly handy HYMini charger so that you’ll have access to clean green energy anywhere you go!
For handled exceptions, you need to strike a balance in your error messages between being helpful to the naive user and giving away too much information to the unscrupulous hacker.
And giving away too much could come back to hurt you or your business.
If you wake up grouchy everyday, you may want to skip this one. A cake each day is not the answer unless you're giving them away!
You can also give away your time as opposed to giving away money. You could house sit for a neighbor, take a friends dog for a walk or volunteer in your community.
"When you have received a lot, you must love giving it away," she said.
The model of giving away content is not broken, he says: “It’s only broken if you are not big enough.”
Microsoft and Oracle must chuckle every time an open source operating system company reports its paltry profits (or losses), knowing you don't get rich by giving software away.
The most important — the most successful people in finance, I believe, end up giving the money away and that means — you can't consume a billion dollars.
"If I can't use magic, and you can't use magic near me, without us giving away our position -" he began.
When you stop giving your power away to other people like this, your life will be so much lighter and easier.
When you stop giving your power away to other people like this, your life will be so much lighter and easier.