Unexpected emergencies can momentarily shut down operations, or even worse, put you out of business for weeks and force your customers to go elsewhere — and stay there.
It did not go down well when Mr Sarkozy's 23-year-old son, Jean, bid to become head of the body that oversees La defense, Paris's business district.
the employer is revoked of business license thereof, or is ordered to close down or is discharged, or it determines to go to liquidation before the schedule; or
Invariably, computer networks go down and business owners should look for providers that offer service priority and use multiple network paths to ensure the service is always available.
My business is badly affected by the economic crisis. It is about 60-70% down since April last year and it's continuing to go down.
受经济危机的影响,我的生意现在很差,从去年四月开始大概减少了60- 70%,而且现在还在下滑。
However, if business is down to the point where it looks like the company is going to go under, start looking for a new job NOW!
Most North-American business travelers go by airplane, although some companies use the train for short distances to cut down on OCS expenses.
Chinese companies that export to Europe and USA have seen their business go down, and this may continue for a long time.
Chinese companies that export to Europe and USA have seen their business go down, and this may continue for a long time.