Every dollar counts but what really counts is the good feeling of giving.
Now that I am a mentor, I realize what a good feeling you get from helping someone else and knowing that you're making a difference in his or her life.
Friends have had a good feeling.
The era of good feeling didn’t last long.
But I had a very good feeling with it.
MARY PIERCE: Definitely, it's a good feeling.
Like Jonathan Yang, I get a good feeling from eels.
That good feeling numbs out the real pain in your life.
Therefore, swearing reduces pain and promotes good feeling.
Everyone knows that being stressed out isn't a good feeling.
At last you must keep a good health and have a good feeling.
Failure to experience a good feeling, not a disadvantage for you.
Often, seeing a person you like gives you a good feeling inside or makes you smile.
We talked for some time, and I had a very good feeling about him, so I assigned a three-article series.
我们聊了一会儿,我对他的感觉非常好,于是我决定推出一个 包含三篇文章的系列(查看 轻松使用线程系列 的中文版)。
The wave of good feeling between the two countries would soon dissipate, however, in mutual accusations.
It wouldn’t be such a good feeling – even if you could keep the lie going, and continue to receive the praise.
他提到,假设人们误认为你做了某事而赞扬了你, 事实上你知道你根本没有做,但你却会感觉良好,且宁愿不去戳破谎言,继续享受赞扬;
When choosing a design firm to do a project, it's extremely important that you get a good feeling from their website.
Have you ever experienced having a good feeling, but after being with someone for some time you end up feeling bad?
Well, bad news: you should have kept your mouth shut, because that good feeling, now will make you less likely to do it.
Well, for those of you who have a good feeling for symmetry, they would say certainly it has to lie somewhere on this line.
That good feeling numbs out the real pain in your life. The pain caused because you feel unappreciated, unimportant, or unfulfilled.
And I have a good feeling for how important that culture is to the Zappos, the Zappos brand, Zappos customers, Zappos employees.
'Equal opportunity gives everyone a very good feeling,' said Lew Seok-choon, a sociology professor at Yonsei University in Seoul.
首尔延世大学(Yonsei University)的社会学教授Lew Seok - choon说:“机会均等让所有人都觉得很好。”
"It's a rush," Green says. "It's a good feeling to have this constant attention poured upon you by anyone that you get to text all the time."
Certainly Poppy, the antically joyful heroine of “Happy-Go-Lucky,” was a radically free spirit, almost violent in her expressions of good feeling.
Xenophobic newspapers published accusations that American relief teams were trying to humiliate the Japanese, putting a quick end to the era of good feeling.
Xenophobic newspapers published accusations that American relief teams were trying to humiliate the Japanese, putting a quick end to the era of good feeling.