They planned their first meeting for 7 pm at Grand Central Station in New York.
I've passed through Grand Central Station when filming was happening. I don't know what they were filming though.
My hospital room was like Grand Central Station with everybody coming and going.
A raucous crowd of 25,000 delirious fans greeted the team at Grand Central Station.
Could you tell me where Grand Central Station is?
Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station.
Grand Central Station, please. I want to catch a 6 p. m. train.
The last time I saw my father, it was in 1 Grand Central Station.
Grand Central Station, please. I want to try to catch a 6:00 train.
In New York City, she led a campaign to save and renovate Grand Central Station.
Later they scheduled their first meeting-7:00 PM at Grand Central Station in New York.
Six minutes to six, said the great round clock over the information booth, in Grand Central Station.
Today, I waited for 20 minutes to get a cab outside grand central station in New York (it was raining).
It was Bear Sterns, whose headquarters is right next to Grand Central Station, if you go into New York.
Riding the Metro North commuter train from Pleasantville to Grand Central Station on the last weekend before Christmas, you'd certainly suppose so.
在圣诞节前最后一个周末乘坐纽约北郊铁路(MetroNorth)通勤列车从普莱森特维尔到纽约中央车站(Grand Central Station)的你肯定会这么认为。
John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station.
When the day finally came for him to return from Europe, they scheduled their first meeting 7:00 p. m. at Grand Central Station in New York City.
John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station.
"The Gulf of Mexico is like Grand Central Station for the birds of the eastern United States and especially the Mississippi Flyway," said Audubon President Frank Gill.
The inspiration for the station in terms of atmosphere was Grand Central station. What was funny was, I went there and took a bunch of pictures, and it's amazing how bland the place actually is.
So once our station got to the lighting phase, we beefed it up quite a bit because it turns out Grand Central is actually pretty dark and dingy.
Grand Hotel Mussmann Hannover is located in the city centre, directly opposite the central station. It offers elegant, spacious rooms with luxurious amenities and a complimentary breakfast buffet.
Grand Hotel Mussmann Hannover is located in the city centre, directly opposite the central station. It offers elegant, spacious rooms with luxurious amenities and a complimentary breakfast buffet.