Methods the oval fossa and the interventricular septum of goat heart were observed by gross anatomy method.
The subjects of study include gross anatomy, bone biology, developmental anatomy, neuroanatomy, and histology.
Methods The nasal cavity was observed and measured with gross anatomy method on 20 neonate cadaveric specimen.
The results of gross anatomy are follows:The color of parotid gland is pale pink and its shape is oblong and lamellar.
Methods The morphology, location, size and direction variation of appendix were observed in 31 corpses by gross anatomy.
The distribution and structure of the cardiac ganglia and nerve plexuses of 8 Pekin ducks were studied by using methods of gross anatomy and histology.
The pathological changes of haemophilus parasuis infection in swine were studied with the methods of gross anatomy, routine paraffin section and H·E staining.
The developmental morphology of the duodenum were observed with the technique of gross anatomy and histological section in the parental line of Gushi Chickens.
Gross anatomy of the mesencephalic aqueduct and its ependymal cytoarchitecture were investigated with dissection and light microscopy after he staining in the rabbit.
This site contains interactive multimedia which allows the learner to move between diagrams, gross anatomy, microscopic specimens, definitions, and atlases in a manner tailored to the student's needs.
This site contains interactive multimedia which allows the learner to move between diagrams, gross anatomy, microscopic specimens, definitions, and atlases in a manner tailored to the student's needs.