Frequently, if calculated columns are used, the calculation reflects grouping of columns with the "group BY" modifier.
如果使用计算过的列,计算往往反映使用“GROUP BY ”修饰符对列所进行的分组。
Specify the columns to be included in the generated GROUP BY clause, as shown in Figure 13.
指定生成的GROUP BY子句中包括的列,如图13所示。
The partitioning key should be made up of columns that often participate in a GROUP BY clause.
分区键应该由常用于GROUP BY子句的列组成。
It can improve performance if columns involved in ORDER BY and GROUP BY are indexed.
如果为ORDER BY和GROUP BY所涉及的列建立了索引,那么可以提高性能。
Because XML columns cannot participate in Group By clauses, you need to define a second XML Relational Mapping operator (shown on the upper branch of Figure 1).
因为xml列不能参与group By子句,所以需要定义第二个XMLRelationalMapping操作符(图1中上方的分支)。
All of the SQL expressions for any attributes that were selected as columns in the select clause should also be in the GROUP BY clause.
对于作为select子句中的列的任何属性,它们的SQL表达式也应该放在GROUP by子句中。
One of these operators (shown on the lower branch in Figure 1) feeds a Group by operator that performs the aggregations required by two of the target table's columns.
其中一个操作符(图1中下方的分支)为一个Group By操作符提供输入,后者执行目标表的两个列所需的聚合。
When you choose the GROUP BY option or add an aggregate function to a query, all columns marked for output or used for sorting are automatically added to the GROUP BY clause.
当选择“分组依据”选项或将聚合函数添加到查询中时,所有标记为输出或用于排序的列将自动添加到GROUP by子句中。
Therefore, you must remove the remaining columns from the query output or make them part of the GROUP BY clause or of an aggregate function.
因此,必须从查询输出中移除剩余的列,或使它们成为GROUP BY子句或聚合函数的一部分。
Therefore, if you add columns to the query output, the query and View Designer automatically adds them to the GROUP BY clause of the statement in the SQL pane.
因此,如果将列添加到查询输出中,则查询和视图设计器会自动将其添加到“SQL”窗格中语句的GROUP by子句中。
You can sort the columns in the Resolve Conflicts dialog box to make it easier to group by conflict type or by path.
Columns are not automatically added to the GROUP BY clause if they are already part of an aggregate function.
如果列已经是聚合函数的一部分,则不会自动添加到GROUP by子句中。
By default, you can drag the columns in a group within the group to reposition them.
The group by clause can be used in a SELECT statement to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns.
GROUP BY子句可用在SELECT的多条结果中选择数据并且将数据组织成一列或几列。
The group by clause can be used in a SELECT statement to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns.
GROUP BY子句可用在SELECT的多条结果中选择数据并且将数据组织成一列或几列。