Tabs in library catalogs can make active maps to any book and guide searchers to it, even if it is off the shelf and on a table from the last reader.
The impression they left most indelibly was their author's vast range in time, space and discipline as a reader, and his deep capacity to understand, appreciate, discriminate, explain and guide.
Each guide gives information on the best places to find the dishes, tips on dining etiquette, and key phrases in the local language to help the reader order with confidence!
This book is designed to help the reader prepare for the actual daily rigours of hospital life and is an essential guide for surviving the first years as a junior doctor.
When a reader applies his background knowledge to guide him through reading, he in effect adopts the top-down process to make prediction ami assumptions about the incoming text.
Once again he eschews chalkboard economics in favour of a reader-friendly guide to the economics of everyday life.
These five laws are still of practical significance to guide the 21st century's reader service.
图书馆学五定律对指导2 1世纪的读者服务工作仍具有重要的现实意义。
With this excellent guide the reader will be able to solve any problem that may occur with the reconstruction of a disturbed or damaged lacrimal system.
Paragraph 6: Ending paragraph — your last opportunity to guide the reader. Offer a clincher that tells the reader to attend the film or not.
Your Local Wedding Guide reader, Bianca Tallarida from Campbelltown SA, recently wrote to us, "my fiance Adrian popped the question one minute past midnight on New Years Eve!"
Your Local Wedding Guide reader, Bianca Tallarida from Campbelltown SA, recently wrote to us, "my fiance Adrian popped the question one minute past midnight on New Years Eve!"