Guided-wave optics method is used to determine the temperature of the crosslinking polymer films.
After finding the orthogonal sets corresponding to the guided-wave restriction condition, the analytic dispersive equation, group velocity equation and steady response are obtained simultaneously.
The boundary between the two areas acts as a wall, capable of reflecting a guided EM wave on the graphene much like one would in a three dimensional space.
As the heat feeds back to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is guided along the nanotube.
In view of dispersion, the application of guided wave NDT of pipe based on magnetostrictive effect was analyzed by the combination of numerical simulation and experimental research.
Dispersion and attenuation characteristics of torsional modes of ultrasonic guided wave in pipe with viscoelastic coating are investigated.
The pressure drop of the combined wave guided valve trays were comprehensively studied based on the survey of the important valve trays nowadays.
Furthermore, the attenuation of the guided wave can be scaled by the energy factors.
Ultrasonic guided wave testing is widely used for the inspection of buried pipelines at present.
The investigation about application of the two signal processing methods to guided wave inspection signals supplies new realization basis for the signal processing of guided wave inspection.
The designing of hybrid integrated guided wave optical wavelength multiplexer and divider is presented.
Millimeter wave circuits for precise guided weapons and channelized receivers are discussed in this paper.
All that involved in the paper are analysis and summary of some operation situations of the said pipeline detection with the ultrasonic guided wave process.
The mechanism of zigzag dispersion curves in the Rayleigh wave exploration is theoretically analyzed. The propagation characteristics and interrelation of the guided waves are studied thoroughly.
Based on the wavelet transformation and the theory of modal acoustic emission, the dispersion of guided wave propagated in thin plate was investigated by acoustic emission experiment.
Lastly, some new techniques of numerical analysis and signal processing for guided wave n...
Thick wall pipes are the core component of so called "four pipe" system for thermal power. It is important to apply circumferential guided wave technique to nondestructive testing of thick wall pipes.
Based on previous study on the guided wave propagated in the pipeline, the main of this paper is to do experimental study on damage detection in pipes using ultrasonic guided waves technique.
Applying classical wave theory, a concept of equivalent elastic modulus on propagation speed modification of guided wave through "variable cross-section" of metal bar embeded layer was put forward.
To use separation of goal signal and wave filter, the guided precision can be improved.
Based on the theory of elastodynamics, the longitudinal guided wave and flexural guided wave group velocity dispersion curves for M22 stud were calculated.
The current domestic and abroad research status is discussed firstly, and the guided wave mode and exciting method used in pipeline crack detection is determined by disperse curve and wave structure.
Based on the ultrasonic guided wave technique and the dispersive waveform prediction method, a method about how to image defects in pipes is presented.
The results of the plane wave method with super cell shows: (1) photonic band gaps exist in the guided modes of the photonic crystal slabs.
A generating approach to the guided electromagnetic wave propagation regularity with time in waveguides based on 3ds MAX is proposed.
The guided wave transducers are developed and used for NDT of the economizer in fossil plant, which have feature of quick inspection and low cost.
The extraction efficiency of organic light-emitting diode(OLED) is restrained by the high fraction of energy of the guided wave in the high-index materials(ITO/organic).
Weak modulated dielectric grating can be equivalent to planar waveguide. When it diffracted high-order spatial sub-wave is coupled with waveguide mode, a guided mode resonance is formed.
The finite element method is used to investigate the effect of a time reversal method on the guided wave inspection in pipes.
The finite element method is used to investigate the effect of a time reversal method on the guided wave inspection in pipes.