In order to give the top floor more habitable space, we created a mansard roof with three openings.
Located below, it turns part of the basement into habitable space, which can be used according to the residents needs.
Sign of a habitable space is not obvious from the road outside, where only a wooden door and a pane of glass framing planting is visible.
According to one classic theory, the reason is simply that there is more habitable space around the equator than at the poles. On the face of it, this seems to make sense.
The roof is separated from the ceiling of the habitable space to allow for constant ventilation and keep the heated material away from the interior, further helping to cool the space.
Melott's hypothesis about mass extinctions shows how habitable zones may be measured not just in space but also in time.
The habitable zone refers to the orbital space around the star that's not so close to the star that the planets surface would boil.
The advantage of going to Enceladus, says Dr McKay, is that a single space mission could address the question of whether the moon is actually inhabited, rather than merely habitable.
It can automatically search for habitable planets in space and take the human to the planet.
In the near future, population is over-intensive and habitable and cultivable land become very limited. The sky and sea are seriously polluted. A square of green field or living space become a luxury.
Being categorized as two-story wooden apartment with loft in building regulation, this apartment was designed as quasi-maisonette with better access to loft space which is spacious and habitable.
This car has a multitude of genes of various living things on board, and travels through space, looking for habitable planets.
This car has a multitude of genes of various living things on board, and travels through space, looking for habitable planets.