I shall be weather-bound for half an hour.
Experts say people bound for Germany should pay close attention to their food and hygeine, and avoid eating half-boiled or unclean vegetables.
The earth-bound section is now a lot shorter. The dialogue between Arthur and the man from the council has been cut in half, and the woman who makes the speech has gone.
The binding work was made on the surface of those that have been bound or half bound.
He bound himself to pay half the cost of the expedition.
To save his mother, the king, and all people bound by suffering, the Arhat used his supernatural abilities to leave half his body floating in the palace of the king.
Such news was bound to stir controversy in a country where pork is a dietary staple and where half the world's hogs now live, as a growing middle class can afford more meat with its meals.
在中国这样一个以猪肉为主要食品的国家,奥运猪这类消息肯定会在社会上引发争议。 中国不断壮大的中产阶层一日三餐中肉类所占的比重越来越大,目前全世界一半的生猪存栏量在中国。
In half an hour he left the house an engaged man, whose soul was not his own, but the woman's to whom he had bound himself.
If I cut the front essay, the opposite one is bound to suffer damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject.
Half of the animals were then bound at their legs and isolated from the other animals for six hours, three days in a row.
Half of the animals were then bound at their legs and isolated from the other animals for six hours, three days in a row.