The half note. Here's one gesture; here's another gesture.
How can we get a half note that actually equals now three quarter notes?
And this whole note obviously can be subdivided into two half notes and each of the half notes into two quarter notes each of these quarter notes into two eighth notes, and so on.
Note to my husband: I don't think I can live without you, but make just half the bed and I'll try.
Note that her chief rival, Meryl Streep, didn't boost Julie &Julia — a much better movie (or at least half a movie) — to a Best Pic slot.
请注意,她的主要对手,梅丽尔·斯特里普,并没有能够将《朱莉与朱莉娅》-一部更好的影片(或至少算半部不错的影片) -带进最佳影片的提名。
He tried to renegotiate with the Rose Garden's creditors, maneuvering to get out of the deal by offering less than half of what note holders demanded.
It is important to note that if there is no bias in the estimates, then half of the estimates are high and half are low.
They note that consumer expenditures have been rising for half a year, and take-home pay has increased 3.4 percent over the past 12 months.
As I mulled over my missing more than half of each lecture, I suddenly hit upon an idea: Why not leave every other line on my note paper blank?
At the same time, it is important to note that around one third to half of the severe and fatal infections are occurring in previously healthy young and middle-aged people.
If you're a socially awkward, glass-half-empty sort of person, take note: New research suggests having a "distressed" personality may jeopardize your health.
Note that in these aspects of engine and tire, then choose a more fuel-efficient car work is half done.
It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'a thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!'
Note that one half of the W is more deeply notched than the other half.
"However, we continue to expect a pickup in GDP growth in the second half of the year," David Greenlaw, chief economist at Morgan Stanley, wrote in a research note.
Smoking is believed to be responsible for half of bladder cancer cases, the researchers note, so quitting could substantially reduce a smoker's risk of the disease.
Note that data query or search operations on distinguished names (which I demonstrate in the second half of this article) are case-insensitive.
Note that the red component is at half intensity when the horizontal coordinate is only 20 percent of the way from 0 to 200.
A short grace note one half step below a principal note, sounded immediately before or at the same time as the principal note to add sustained .
Note: Since these situations can be mirrored on the diagonal of the cube, you might need to turn the upper side a half turn to find your situation.
NOTE: The kinetics segment of 3.205, covered by the following calendar, is typically taught in a six-week period in the second half of the semester.
Normally it's either half that comes in for criticism, but on this occasion the whole game was terrible - Newcastle United goalkeeper Steve Harper didn't have a save of note to make.
Normally it's either half that comes in for criticism, but on this occasion the whole game was terrible - Newcastle United goalkeeper Steve Harper didn't have a save of note to make.