A receiving event defines its handling function.
The platform calls the message handling function of this message processing object whenever any event occurs that your program might possibly want to be notified about.
If you always add a function like this to install your handlers, you never have to worry about your handlers clobbering other parts of the event-handling system.
The main function creates a Glib event loop, gets a connection to the session bus, and integrates the D-BUS event handling into the Glib event loop.
main函数创建一个Glib事件循环,获得会话总线的一个连接,并将D -BUS事件处理集成到Glib事件循环之中。
Handling common events is as simple as calling a function like click , submit , or mouseover and passing it an event handler function.
处理常见事件就像调用函数(比方说click 、submit或mouseover)和为其传递事件处理函数一样简单。
Write the function for handling the onclick event, shown in Listing 8.
You can define an event handling function and set to the event you care about.
The value returned from this function indicates whether the event should be propagated further by the GTK event handling mechanism.
Global or inline scripts, which are scripts that are not part of an event-handling subroutine or function, are executed immediately.
Global or inline scripts, which are scripts that are not part of an event-handling subroutine or function, are executed immediately.