Li's father said, "All our hard work to make money is for the child."
There are lots of casual game developers in the world, and they don't make money. If you want to get into the business, then work hard to come up with something different, new and unusual.
If you want to make money or build your business, you need to work hard at it.
He continued on to say, but if I take job number two, I can work hard and make more money, then I can retire early and "teach" later in life.
I work hard for my money, and the fact that he thinks I make a little too much that he just wants to redistribute it to other people.
The money is not so easy for us to earn, we work so hard to make our living.
Danny said, his children know Dad mean, not to eat the meal they earned, but in work experience difficult to make money and the importance of working hard.
Watching the rich buy everything they wanted, she decided to work hard and make more money.
They have to work hard for more money, trying to make both ends meet.
Without money I tell myself to work hard to make more. Without time I dream to pay for freedom.
They may be continuous in the previous life of his life work hard to make money.
When Barnum looked back on his youth, he admitted that he never liked hard work. Instead, he was more interested in trying to make money from having fun.
To make my dream comes true, I must work hard now, so I can become a manager and make a lot of money.
Now want to go out at night looking for a performance, to make some money to support the martial arts, or can the more hard work.
If I were you, I'd work hard and not spend a lot of time in figuring out how to make easy money.
I have to work hard if I want to be promoted and make more money.
I have to work hard if I want to be promoted and make more money.
If you are prepared to work hard for your clients and get paid for your time this may be good way to make money.
I finished the work two weeks later. I came to know how hard it was to make money.
If you want to make that kind of money you better be prepared to work hard and be very resilient.
They are farmers, they may be still working hard in the sun at this time. they work so hard just want to make more money that my younger brother and I can afford the tuition fee.
I know money won't come easily, I must work hard and make a lot of money to realize my dream.
I know money won't come easily, I must work hard and make a lot of money to realize my dream.